7 New Workflows to Enhance Your Performance

Ryan Baer
The Swantide team has been hard at work over the past 2 weeks building new workflows to help optimize your Salesforce setup. We’re excited to share 7 new workflows, which are listed below along with guidance on how to enable them. If you have requests for new workflows for us to prioritize in our next development cycle, please feel free to submit them in the Swantide App.
New Lead Workflows:
Formula Field to Check BANT Complete on Leads
With this Swantide Workflow, you can deploy a Formula Field to check whether or not BANT has been completed. You can use this Formula Field in reports to get a pulse on which records have completed BANT.
To learn more about BANT, head to this Help Center Article. In it, we recommended the “Track BANT Fields on Leads”workflow. With this in your toolbox, you can add these fields onto the Formula Field.
You can also use this workflow in tandem with the Validation Rule “Require BANT Fields to be Filled out Prior to Lead Conversion,” which requires your reps to enter key BANT fields before Converting Leads.
Link to Validation Workflow Rule: Require BANT Fields to be Filled out Prior to Lead Conversion. Note, you must enable the Workflow “Formula Field to Check BANT Complete on Leads” first before getting started with the Validation Rule.
Required Fields on Lead Before Lead Convert
Use this Swantide Workflow to ensure reps are entering required fields prior to converting them. For example, if you want to ensure reps are entering the Lead's Budget, Email, and Lead Source prior to converting them, you can customize this process based on your fields in your Lead Object using this workflow.
Please be mindful of any Salesforce flows or 3rd party integrations that also convert leads, as this validation rule will be applied to those items and therefore you will want to update those items as well prior to enabling this workflow.
Required Fields on Lead Create
This Swantide Workflow requires reps to enter data onto vital Lead Fields prior to Lead creation. This gives your Ops team peace of mind because they can easily confirm that reps are entering in vital and accurate information during lead creation.
Please be mindful of any integrations that could be creating Lead in Salesforce as this will impact those integrations as well. Ensure that your 3rd party applications are mapping the required fields over to the Lead Object prior to enabling this workflow.
New Opportunity Workflows:
Formula Field to Check BANT Complete on Opportunity
With this Swantide Workflow, you can deploy a Formula Field to check whether or not BANT has been completed on your Opportunity Records. You can use this Formula Field in reports to get on a pulse on which records have had BANT completed.
To learn more about BANT, you can read the following Help Center Article. In the article we recommended the following workflow “Track BANT Fields on Opportunities” which we highly encourage before you enable the above Workflow.
This workflow can also be used in tandem with the following Validation Rule, “Require BANT to be Completed to Move to a Specific Opportunity Stage” to enforce reps to enter key BANT fields before moving an Opportunity to a specific Stage.
Link to Validation Workflow Rule: Require BANT to be Completed to Move to a Specific Opportunity Stage. Note, you must enable the workflow “Formula Field to Check BANT Complete on Opportunity” first before getting started with the Validation Rule.
New Onboarding Cycle Workflows:
Required Fields on Onboarding Cycle Creation
With this Swantide Workflow, you can now set the required fields on Onboarding Cycle Creation. For example, if you want to ensure that key fields such as Kickoff Date, Onboarding Cycle Stage, and Opportunity are linked correctly, you can now use this Workflow for top-notch accuracy when creating an Onboarding Cycle record.
Oftentimes, you may also want to have Onboarding Cycle records start at the first Stage. The "Start Onboarding Cycle Records in the First Stage" workflow will help you with this, which you can read about here. If you want to deploy the Workflow click here.
To learn more about the Onboarding Cycle Object and track the Post-Sales Motion, read about it here. Todeploy the Custom Object, click here.